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of the decorated pieces and most of the plain ones. The following will give you a general idea of the large pieces, that is, pottery.

17 Dippers White Ware - 23 Dipper bowls and broken dippers - 85 Light Colored Wire Vessels, no Bowls. - 12 Light Colored Ware Bowls - 95 Coarsely -made Vessels. Small. Undecorated - 40 Bowls. Corrugated and Plain. Black Interiors - 155 Corrugated Jars, 2 to 6 inches high - 50 Large Bowls. Corrugated and Plain Black - 6 Bird Forms. White ware (more of this form under another count) - 1 Whit ware vessel with hole in center, 22 Bowls, Red and Yellow ware - 37 Bowls, White ware - 5 Unusual Forms. White and buff ware - 37 Bowls, White ware - 10 Small Jars, etc. White ware - 2 Large Ollas, White ware - 74 Corrugated Jars. Medium Size, 6 to 10 inches - 2 dippers, red ware - 12 Red ware Jars, etc. - 3 Large Corrugated Ollas - 38 White Ware Jars, etc. from Socorro, N.M. - 32 Large Red Ware Bowls with Decoration on interior and rims - 85 White Ware Jars, Pitchers, etc.,from Socorro County, N.M. In this count we have 806 pieces but this does not cover the entire lot of pottery as I have been picking up pieces in different parts of the store ever since I closed the bargain. Mr. Hubbel was surprised when I told him that I would take it. He said that he had no idea that I was out for such material. I has told him that I was out on blanket work this year and I guess he thought that I did not care for other lines. When he spoke of selling it, that is when he first mentioned the pottery, he said that he would not pack the price but when he found that I would take it he said that he would have his best