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#41 3. packer handle it for me and would see that it was sent to the railroad in good shape. Andrus thinks that I have bought it for the Museum. He said that he believes that Hubbell hardly came out even on the deal. There are so many good points in the collection that I cannot enumerate all, asthe time for the mail to start has arrived( this blooming machine needs oiling, it is rather stiff in the joints, cannot stop now though). The collection of 52 red ware bowls is worth almost as much as is asked for the entire lot. They are the large deep ones similar to the two that you had in that closet. They are decorated in black on the interiors and have designs in white on the outer rim. Some of these outside decorations are in the form of meanders. One has a series of bear tracks, another has maliese crosses in black with edgings of white. One has a pair of moccasins on the interior. They are not in solid colors as in most of them that I have seen but they are outlined and are quite large. T o jump to another phase of the collection we have between two and three hundred small votive vessels that came from a spring in Socorro Co., W.M. They were dug out by the man who sold the collection to Mr. Hubbell. There have been several finds of this nature in the Southwest but, owing to the crude nature of the material few of them have been saved. They will make a great addition to your Socorro collection. I have the name of the place where the spring is situated and think I can get a good bit of data concerning it. I must close as the mail leaves in ten minutes and the letters must be put in at once. There are a great many specimens, such as the light colored ware that you wanted so much, but I will have to wait and