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let you see the material for yourself, you can then appreciate what an interesting lot it is.

After buying the pottery Mr. Hubbell told me that he had a lot of small material that he had picked up from time to time. He showed it to me and told me that I could take what I wanted. I took the specimens and even the boxes that Mr. Hubbell had kept them in. I wanted everything in sight. Nothing backward about your truly. Mr. Hubbell decided to close out this line and presented me with the lot. There are 500 pieces including a fine assortment of bone implements, shell beads by the string,large and small stone beads, stone fleshing knives with handles, arrow points by the dozen, animal fetiches made of stone and shell, a copper bell from the Socorro region, a copper nugget from the same place, gaming stones,shell bracelets, medicine stones, haliotis shell discs, stone knives, and many other things among which is a lot of 950 beads made from the middle section of the olivella shell. They were found in a corrugated jar. I have a complete description of the find. There are also two skulls. One of them was found near this place and I have the pottery that was found with it. It is certainly a ten strike and I shall look forward to the time when we can unpack it and sort out the pieces from that sacred spring and wash up some of the others to bring out the designs.  

I do not know how you and Mr. Hyde will want to handle this. Whether you will want to buy it outright and then trade with us for pieces that we need in the Museum or whether you will want to have it form a