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part of the regular expedition and make a division, on the pro rata line, when the material is bunched in the Museum after my return.

I have written Mr. Hyde but have not gone into details so you can get together, eat bread and milk under the influence of the lacteal fluid which fattens but "Not inebriates" you can decide how to handle the matter.

I wish you would send the amount, $250.00 by wire to the Wells Fargo Company in Callup and have them send it to me by mail addressing it to me care of J.L. Hubbel, Canado, Arizona. I think you had better wire the amount to them so the I will not have to stay here after my work is complete. I could send it to Mr. Hubbell later but this is my first deal with him and I would rather square up before leaving.

No not think that I have run out of money. I have about $260.00 of that five hundred that you gave me when I started and Mr. Hyde told me that he would add to the amount that he had already advanced whenever it was needed, as per the arrangement that was agreed upon when we had our talk at the New York Athletic Club. This being one of the extras that are looked for on every trip I feel that we cannot afford to let it eat its way into the amount needed for the regular summers work.

Should your talk with Mr. Hyde result in your taking this collection you might add an extra 100.00 to the amount to be sent to the Wells Fargo Co. as there is another collection that I expect to see in the