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in the course of the next week and I may need money for it.

I was making good progress with the blanket work but it is rather hard to obtain the weavers needed for the loom work that I must obtain at this place. There has been a delay in getting my trunks. U had them brought to a point 30 miles from there and left orders to have them put on the freight wagon that was following us. The Indian had pretty high load and did not dare to add more so I am without my cameras. I hope to get an Indian out to-morrow but things are rather uncertain in this land of "Poco tiempo".

You will wonder how I was able to write this monograph in the few minutes that remained before the mail started. I simply had to give up and allow the mail to depart without this letter. A lot of adjustments had become loose and I had to give the a thorough overhauling before I could continue.

Mr. Hubbell is a royal host and is helping me in every way possible with my work. He has cleared up a number of tangles that will help to give a clearer comprehension of the Southwestern textiles that has ever been presented to the scientific world or the reading public.

I have been looking for a letter from you for some days but have not been able to see one. Hope the Indians pony will have an extra load some day and that the excess baggage will be one or your welcome letters.

Sincerely yours,
George H.