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HERMAN O. LAMMERS, Vice President HERBERT TEMPLETON, 2nd Vice President WILLIS J. WELLS, President WM.A. HINNERS, Treasurer J. LENHART SHILLING, Secretary 95 BINNER-WELLS COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK Designers-Engravers-Printers Chicago, Ill., Sept. 14, 1904. [[image]] General Offices and Works Graphic Arts Building, 309-310-311 Michigan Boulevard CHICAGO Mr. F. W. Hodge, Editor, American Anthropologist, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D. C. Dear sir:- Your letter of the 10th inst. was received in due time, and we are very glad to know that you still have confidence in our ability to do high grade work in the color line. We regret that we are unable to make you a price on this work until we see the drawing. We would estimate roughly that the work cost about the same as the flower job that we figured on,* although when we see the drawing there may be some reason why we could make the plates for less money. As soon as you send on the drawing, we would be very glad indeed to make you a definite proposition. Awaiting your reply, we beg to remain, Very truly yours, BINNER-WELLS COMPANY. J L Shilling Secretary. ($75.00 J.W. Hodges) Dictated by J.L.S