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#53. 2. still at work on the notes. It is rather slow work as the Navajo names are about the limit in the way of spelling and length. When the typewritten material is complete it will be a very satisfactory piece of work. In this form they are so handy for reference and then the carbon copy makes one feel safe regarding loss. This little Blick. is a wodnerful [[wonderful]] "Beast". It seems almost impossible for me to keep away from the room where the pottery is being packed. I wish that I could have done the work myself but there is so much that needs attention and so little time in which to do it that I have had to turn the work over to Mr. Hubbells head packer. He is a man who has had a great deal of experience in packing [[strikethrough]] potter [[/strikethrough]] pottery and with a few suggestions from yours truly concerning the method of packing the broken pieces and the fine bowls, has done a very creditable piece of work. You know that I mentioned the fact that Mr Hubbell said that he would not pack the pottery and then said that he would do it after finding out that I was to take it, well I am glad that he made that decision as hay is worth about thirty dollars a ton at this place to say nothing of the mans time. Mr. Hubbell is certainly extremely kind to us and has given us every facility in his power to make our work a success.