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If Mr. Heye could plan to go I know that Mr. Hubbell would be pleased to have him join the party. Oh how I hope it maybecome a reality as we could spend a week in the Canon de Chelle [[Canyon de Chelly]], which is only a days drive from Mr. Hubbells store, and while there could take in the whole Chin Lee [[Chinle]] region including the Canon del Muerto and the various small canons. In writing Mr. Hubbell you might state that I had written you about the proposed trip to the Hopi dance and do assure him that you will make an effort to go. There will never be a better opportunity offered as Mr. Hubbell has been there almost every year and is a princely entertainer. He enjoys the entertaining part more than anything else, the comfort and happiness of his guests being his one thought. It is an experience to be with him and to study his strong personality. 

I hope that you can get that letter of introduction from Mr. Parsons to the Consul in Mexico as it might prove a great help while in the city. 

Regarding that pottery in the room in the Museum. I have been waiting for a letter from George as he said in a former letter that they would begin the work on the 17th. of this month. A letter received from him this morning states that they have begun work and that he hopes to finish it without any delay. Mrs. de Forest wrote him that she wanted him to go to her house to unpack more pottery. He replied that he had been endeavoring to get at the photographing of the pottery for so long that he felt that he should not leave it as there was no telling when the photographer would be available again. He ended by telling her that it would be