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New York, October 25th, 1904

Mr. Geo. H. Pepper,
General Delivery,
Albuquerque, N. M.

My dear Pepper:-

Your wire came to the office yesterday afternoon and read as follows:

"Letter twentieth received. Have passes for both to El Paso. $100 will be enough for present."

Thinking you referred to the pass to Mexico City, I did not understand how you could have obtained passage for both, but when I read your wire to Heye over the 'phone, he called my attention to the fact that it was simply to El Paso. I presume you received this from Ripley. He also read me your wire to him, saying that $300 would be enough. I explained why you said $100 to me, as that was my part of the cash which I was to put up.

I was out of the office this morning when Saville 'phoned that pass will be sent you care of General Delivery to-day, from El Paso to Mexico City. I have been unable to get him on the 'phone so far to find out if the pass really includes both. It does not Heye will send you $300 to-morrow.

I learned at the Museum yesterday that twenty-two cases were on the way, and that the way bill was to be sent to me here at the office, so I suppose it will come along in a few days.

One word in your wire to Heye was misspelled, in which you referred to what the extra money was needed for, that