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Nov. 8/04-


Apatzingan, Mich -
Nov. 1st 1904

Mr. Geo. H. Pepper
Mexico D.F.

My Dear Mr. Pepper

Yours of Oct. 25th to hand to Jay, I am delighted to know that you (2) are really coming, but I am "kicking" a bit, that you did not tell me that Mrs. Pepper was with you By not telling me, you have deprived me of the pleasure of anticipation, which is one of the greatest pleasures of life. It will not incommode me in the least to have her, although she will have to put up with pretty rough living. Telegraph me on Thursday of next week, the 10th or before - if you can meet me in Uruapan on Sunday night. If so I will send the horses up & leave here myself on Saturday night, reaching U. Sunday night about 9 P.M.