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These axes are all large and are beauties. There are also Three Copper Hoes the type being shown by Lumholtz on the same page, 413. These are unusual in form and the three specimens are perfect. There is a large ceremonial piece of copper in the form of a hand axe. It is quite thin and a rare form. There are twelve of the large filigree copper wire bells attached to the under part. Two stone mace or club heads, see top figure on page 335 Lum. One mace head of the same form converted into a pipe. One fiber beater. One large stone dish in the form of a maltese cross. One round bowl made of stone. One oval stone dish. And one calendal-like stone. The latter is not well carved and is heavy. There are 96 large pieces not including a quantity of small copper bells which I did not mention in the above list. The collection is a fine one and my only trouble now is the planning to get it out of the country. I could either go back to Mexico City and see Dr. Bauer or else arrange for it through Saville when I reach New York. That is Saville could write Bauer and have him attend to it. If I [[strikethrough]] culd [[/strikethrough]]could buy [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] some things from Bauer it might be easier to do it. Perhaps this could be done from a list which we could get from him. Am still figuring on the proposition. Must close in a hurry as Mr. Cobbs is ready and cinnot [[cannot]] wait. Wil [[will]] have to let this act as a combi-letter. Have worked since Monday in a mound. Have found two skeletons and twelve pieces of pottery. Will write more later.
Warmly and sincerely yours,
Geo. H. P.

P.S. yours of 9th with [[??]] will return [[??]] G.H.P.

Transcription Notes:
There were pieces of the post script I was unable to figure out - if someone else is able to read it better please look at that.