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Apatzingan, State of Michoacan, Mexico,
November 30, 1904

Dr. Guillermo Bauer,
Calle Espiritu Santo, 7,
Mexico City, Mexico.

My dear Mr. Bauer :-
I thought that is might be possible to meet you before leaving Mexico City but it proved to be impossible. I am now about to return for a hay or two and, while in town would like to look at your collections. We expect to reach the City at noon on the 16th. of December and I hope that you can arrange to meet at the Hotel Iturbide at that time.
Kindly drop me a line at your earliest convenience in order that I may know whether you are to be in the City at that time, I have very little time at my disposal but I do want to see your material as there may be some pieces that we would want uor our Museum. Kindly address me care of Mr. John H. Cobbs, Apatzingan, State of Michoacan, Mexico.
Hoping to hear that you are to be in town on the 16th. or 17th. of December and looking forward with pleasure to the meeting, I beg to remain,
Very respectfully yours,
Geo. H. Pepper.