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day at Lake Natzcuaro to see the ruins.
We made a lucky strike to-day [[today]]. We have been working on a large mound for three days and it had panned nothing save a couple of pieces of pipes and a human head in clay when we came across two large flat stones near the surface. One of the stones was caved away from the bank and it disclosed two pieces of pottery. One was a small olla of red ware and [[strikethrough]] oter [[/strikethrough]] other was an ornate top for same. This top piece is in the form of a turtle and is a mighty pretty piece of work. We have one like it from Mound No. 1 but that one is devoid of the head and tail. It makes a good pair as one shows the elaborated form and the other the conventionalized type. We did not have time to clean out the entire deposit so we hope to find the skeleton to-morrow [[tomorrow]] morning and two or three more pieces of pottery. We found three skeletons in Mound No. 1. The first was a baby. It had Four [[strikethrough]] pis [[/strikethrough]] pieces of fine ware and a cooking olla. The second was a woman. There were three vessels at the head and one at the feet. Three were malcahetes or vessels with a rough place in the bottom, used in preparing chili. The [[strikethrough]] fourt [[/strikethrough]] fourth was a nice little olla. The third skeleton was that of a man. Six [[strikethrough]] p [[/strikethrough]] pieces were found with his body and some of them are beauties. The rain has held us back to a great extend. As I wrote Mr. Hyde, we have been working with our clothes wet to our waists. To-day [[today]] has been the first clear day in over a week and even then we got wet feet from the rain of yesterday.
Must close as I have more letters that must go to-morrow [[tomorrow]] and it is way beyond bed time. Will write later.
Sincerely our friend,