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In Camp near Apatzingan, State of Michoacan, Mexico.
November 30, 1904.

Mr dear Mr. Hyde :-
I have just received a letter from Mr. Heye in which he asks me to pick up a couple pieces of jade when we stop in the City of Mexico on the way back. I had almost decided to cut out the stop at the City but in view of the buying of the collection in Uruapan I think that it will be best to see Dr. Bauer and buy the jades from him and arrange if possible for getting the material rut [[out]] of Mexico
Mr. Cobbs goes to Apatzingan to-morrow [[tomorrow]] morning early and I am sending you the following wire :-
Can you handle Philadelphia meeting if we are detained? I have my itinerary made out and it will land us in New York in time for the meeting, there is always a chance of delays and I therefore want to know how you are fiked for the meeting and whether you can handle it for a day or two. I think Savile would do it for you should you not be able to go; at all events I hope that there will be no delays to make it necessary for another to take my place.
We had very good luck to-day [[today]] the find being a cover for an olla which was found in place on an ollita. The cover is in the form of a turtle and is a rare find.
Must close in haste as I have two more letters to get off to-night [[tonight]] and we must make an early start in the morning.
Sincerely your friend,
Geo. H. Pepper.