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New York, December 14th, 1904.

Mr. Geo. H. Pepper,
Alvarado Hotel,
Albuquerque, N. M.

Mr dear Pepper:-
I am so sorry that you had to worry, or think at all, about me not being able to take care of the Philadelphia Meeting. At. Mr. Heye's suggestion, I signed the telegram "George Hyde", and presume that my name must have been misspelled by the time the telegram reached you.
Mr. Heye has just read me your last letter to him. You certainly have had a pretty hard time of it.
I learned from Saville that Bouer had shipped a collection for approval to the Museum, and put his price at $115, and I have an appointment with Saville and Heye at the Club this afternoon, and Saville is going to try to see the material before the meeting. Saville and I dine at the Club, and will straighten out the list of subjects submitted for the Philadelphia Meeting, which I will mail to-night to Howard. I can be at Philadelphia for the opening and the day after, and shall probably be able to get someone to take my place there so I can return Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday.
It is very essential that we should boom the Anthropologist at this meeting, and I look forward to the co-operation of Mr. Hodge and others to add considerable to our Publishing