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of President Lincoln aD 18"2. Cal month of Apr Special [[Agt?]] [[Treasury?]] [[Dep"r?]] for the reason above Stated Seized said [[D--ature?] Property - in Sept aD 18"4 and by direction of Treasury Department not required Botto to Surrender up [[Possession?]] to the United States (notwithstanding yr Petition Botto [[?]] [[Possession?]] of all Property owned by him) under the Special authority [[/underscore]] of Maj Genl McPherson upon exhibition by yr Petition of Such fact is placed his Loyalty beyond any question. In April aD 18"5 yr Petition made application through Ca a month of Apr Special Agt [[of--?]] for restitution of said property. Sending to the Hon Secretary of the Treasury Dept original Papers [[/underscore]] of this Court established a [[decision?]] before recited property appeared by Genl McPherson with a copy of his [[?]] of allegiance filed in month of [[July?]] aD 18"3 and upon this Petition so forwarded to Washington obtained the recommendation [[/underscore]] of Chas A Northrop that this Property be at once returned to Mr Botto = The case was examined by Secretary McCullough who admitted without any question the Deed of Brown and Johnson to Joseph Botto, was entirely satisfied with the Loyalty of said Batto but required yr Petition to furnish proof of the [[Statutes?]] of Brown and Johnson the Grantors of Joseph Botto