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that immediately June coding the breaking out of hostilities, foreseeing that an armed Collision was inevitable and [?] having been made that all debts due & owing by Southern citizens, to citizens of the Norther States, owed at once after the breaking of [?], be seized & confiscated, and your petitioner being indebted to [?] merchants between fifty & sixty thousand dollars at then times, and fearing and believing that such threats named be carried into execution, your petitioner hurried up his collecting and anticipated this payment of his Northern debts, in order to prevent their being confiscated by the Confederate Govt, and paid many of his creditors [mostly?] before they were due. By collecting what money he carried of his own, & by borrowing the residence he was enabled to pay all that he owed at the North but was left without [?] himself, First over $100.000 in debts coming to him, for goods sold to various varieties on long credit [strikethrough]?[/strikethrough] nearly all of which remained uncollected. In fact is [?] [?] [?] always remain