Viewing page 223 of 343

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Census Returns, 
Of Colored Population of   County, State of 

[[31 column Table]]

Name. | Color. Black | Color. Mulatto. | Color. Quadroon. | Color. Octoroon. | Sex. Male. | Sex. Female. | Age. 14 years and under. | Age. Under 20; over 14. | Age. Under to; over 20. | Age. Under 70; over 59. | Age. Over 70.| Status on Jan. 1, '63 Slave. | Status on Jan. 1, '63 Free. | Former Owner. | Resident. | Non-Resident. | Former place of residence. | Occupation. Laborer. | Occupation. Mechanic | Occupation. Employed by Government. | Occupation. Employed by former owner | Occupation. Rate of wages per month. | Occupation. Not employed. | Occupation. Helped by Government. | Intelligence. Able to read. | Intelligence. Unable to read. | Unable to support them'sls | Cause of disability. | Estimated money value of property. | Remarks.

[[/31 column table]]

Transcription Notes:
First half copy from 222. This is just one large table spread across two pages, not multiple tables within tables.