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We the undersigned Freedmen and Freed women do hereby acknowledge The receipt of the several sums set opposite our names as payment in full for our interest in the cotton crop of Nathan Brown. Vicksburg Dec 6th 1865

[[3 column table]]
Names | Amount | Witness 

Nathan x Brown | 113 50 | JO Greytrey |
Thomas x Henderson | 113 50 | JO Greytrey |
John x Culbert | 27 30 | JO Greytrey |
Tom x Smart | 60 66 | JO Greytrey |
Sampson x Griffin Martha x Griffin | 91 35 | JO Greytrey |
William x Robinson | 57 40 | Je Greytrey |
Joe x Neal| 47 06 |  Je Greytrey |
Henry x Jenkins | 46 91 | Je Greytrey |
Henry x Sims | 44 11 | Je Greytrey |
Violet x Patterson| 40 64 | Je Greytrey |
Violet x Henderson | 41 33 | Je Greytrey |
Chancy x Campbell | 45 21 | Je Greytrey |
Leah x Henderson | 21 87 | Je Greytrey |
Rosetta x Jenkins | 30 86 | Je Greytrey |
Mahala x Shelton | 20 95 | Je Greytrey |
Julia x | 39 49 | 39 49 | Je Greytrey |
Susan x | 39 69 | Je Greytrey |
Henry x Griffin | 38 61 | Je Greytrey |

Transcription Notes:
Not sure of witness name