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To Genl Thomas.
Commanding &c.

Genl I am the owner of a certain Lot or Parcel of Land with the Tenements thereon, described as follows, Lot No 9, and North Half of Lot No 10 in that portion of the City known as William S. Bodleys Survey, South East of and adjoining the city, on which stands a one story frame Building or Dwelling, and now occupied and has been for the past Four years or thereabouts by one Mrs. Clarke, I having rented it to her, not having a family nor stated place of abode, following the Business of Trading in stock, and at the time of the siege of Vicksburg was caught outside the city, where I remained until after the surrender, and when I came in on business first after the Surrender I found that the Lady above states still had possession of my property, but under military orders; I would now state that I have never been ingaged voluntarily in any manner in the Rebelion against the U.S. and have taken the amnesty oath, which bears the number 53, and dates June 18 1865 before F.A. [[Raziuer?]], Lt and Assist Provost Marshall, I would therefore beg to have my property returned to me [[cross-out]] with an order for Mrs. Clarke to pay me the rents [\cross-out]]

Transcription Notes:
preserved original spelling