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and behoof forever. And the said party of the first part doth hereby covenant with said party of the second part, and her heirs and assignees. That she the said party of the first part and her heirs, executors & administrators the above described and granted premises unto her the said party of the second part and her heirs and assignees, against her said party of the first part, and against all persons claiming or to claim said premises y Title at law or in Equity, shall and will warrant and by these presents for ever defend.
In witness where the said party of the first part hath herewith set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. The word "part" underlined.
Corinna E. Miller (seal)

The State of Mississippi,
Adams County ss
Personally appeared before me, Richard A Inge, Clerk of the Probate Court of said county, the foregoing named Corinna E. Miller, and acknowledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the foregoing Deed, on the day and year Therein mentioned, as her own act and deed.
Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at the City of Natchez. The 15th day of June AD Eighteen hundred and fifty eight.
Richard A Inge. Clerk
Received the within deed into my office to be recorded June 15. 185. Richd A Inge Clerk