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Samuel Thomas
Asst Commissioner, &c Vicksburg-

Your petitioner, Justine (Benoist) Mezeix, widow, a resident of the city of Natchez and State of Mississippi, respectfully shows as follows:

That she was born and has remained a subject of the French Empire, until the month of February, 1865, at which time she subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance to the United States. That while subject of France, she never directly or indirectly took any part in or aided or assisted in any way in the late rebellion against the United States Government.

That in A.D. 1860, and for many year prior thereto, then also being the widow of her first husband, (Benoist) she was the owner in full of a certain dwelling on Main street, in the City of Natchez, which she used for her residence and for a Millinery store.

That in the year 1860 she intermarried with one Claudins Mezeix, who was also a French subject and who remained so to the period of his death, which was in February last
That sometime in May 1863, her husband's health failing, she was induced to purchase a peace in the country, some 5 miles from Natchez; and as the desire of her husband, your petitioner having first leased her said dwelling and store in Natchez, removed with him to the country. That after her said removal and notwithstanding the occupation of the City of Natchez by the United States forces, she continued to visit the city as her necessities required, and was in no way incomplete in the control of her said property until October 1864

Transcription Notes:
Millinery is women's hat-making. surname Mezeix