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tion of President Johnson of May 29th 1865. She has also taken the oath as prescribed therein

Your petitioner further showeth that the duly subscribed and authenticated copy of the oath of amnesty prescribed by proclamation of President Lincoln & taken by your petitioner as aforesaid, also the order of Col. Johnson aforesaid for the return of the said premises, also the the said order of the said rental agent, & also the said order of the said Brig Gen'l Brayman for the same purpose as the order of Col. Johnson aforesaid, wereby [[whereby]] your petitioner placed in the hands of  W.N. Lurk, her attorney & she is informed and verily believes they were by him lost or mislaid wherefore she is unable to produce the same.

Now therefor your petitioner respectfully prays that the property aforesaid be stricken from the record of the Freedman's Bureau that it may not appear that the government of the United States still asserts a claim and that said property be fully restored to your petitioner. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 7th day of Sept, 1865

Sarah C Mullen

Transcription Notes:
Not sure on the signature at the bottom-jsm 5/8