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The State of Mississippi
Adams County
Personally appeared before Chas. F. Merrick, Justice of the Peace, in and for said county N.N. Lusk and made oath that he distinctly remembers having seen the original oath as taken and subscribed by Mrs. Sarah J. Mellen under the proclamation of amnesty of President Lincoln of December 1863- also the order from Col. A.K. Johnson, Comdg Post of Natchez, upon the rental agent for the delivery to the said Mrs. Mellen of the two story brick house and lot on Pearl Street between Main and Franklin on the city of Natchez- also the order from Brig. Gine Brayman for the return of said property to the said Mrs. Mellen- that there said papers, to-wit, the order from Col. Johnson aforesaid, the order from Brig. Gine Brayman aforesaid, and the oath of amnesty aforesaid, were placed in the hands of him the said Lusk as Attorney for the said Mrs. Mellen, and were by him filled in the Treasury office at Natchez, and though he has often applied for a return of the same they have never been delivered to him so that he verily believes the papers aforesaid have been lost or mislaid
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of Sept. 1865
C.J. Merrick {Seal}
Mr. W Lusk