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50 Brooms - Corn
100 Brooms. Hickory
100 Buckets. Water
100 Bows. - Wagon
10 Lbs Borax 
200 Buckles. Assorted.
2 Sides Bridle Leather.
10 Lbs Black. Wax.
30 Lbs Brads
20 Lbs Copperas
200 Coffins
20 Lbs Copper Rivets and Burrs.
5 Lbs Glue.
2 Rolls Ossinth Webbing.
200 Lbs Harness Leather.
50 Barrels Lime
60 Files Assorted.
500 Lbs Iron Assorted.
15 Curb. Bitts.
50 Carriage. Bolts.
50 Harness. Rings
6000 Lbs Nails Cut
200 Lbs Nails. Wrought
100 Lbs Nails Shoeing.
50 Metal Faucets.
42 Galls Oil Olive.
42 Galls. Oil Neatsfoot.
42 Galls Oil Lard.
42 Oil Coal.
100 Pick Handles
25 Boxes Glass 8 x 10

Transcription Notes:
Edited: this is a list not a table, ossinth webbing is type of fabric, filled in blanks