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rather than by a military tribunal and by military law, do hereby proclaim, and make Known, that in all cases, civil or criminal, in which the rights of negroes are involved, either for injuries done to their persons or property, or in matters of contract, the testimony of negroes may be received, subject to the common law rules of evidence, as regards competency and credibility which prevail in regard to white persons. And I do therefore accept the proposition of Col Samuel Thomas assistant commissioner of the freedmens bureau of this State, and request that no freedmens court shall hereafter be organized, and that those already in existence be closed, and instructed to transfer the cases before them to the civil authorities. And I hereby instruct all judicial officers and magistrates to act accordingly, until the legislature shall act upon this subject.

Given under my hand and this
Great Seal of the State affixed this the day and date above written
[[signature]] WL Sharkey
Provincial Govr of Mississippi

By the Governor
[[signature]] John H Echols
Secy of State