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Bureau R.F. & A.L., Miss.,
Office Assistant Commissioner
Vicksburg, December 15, 1865.

Thomas, - Colonel Samuel
Assistant Commissioner &c

Forwards the contesting claims of Mrs Ben Johnson and Maria L. Magruder to a piece of property under his control, and requests action thereon.

14 enclosures

P.O.4 - R.F. & A.L., Miss - 1866.

DEC 25
FREEDMAN'S BUREAU State of Miss Dec 17 1865

L.R.F.87 - EB.302
L.R.J.7. - EB.74


War Department.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington. Jan. 8. 1865.

Respectfully returned to Col. Saml Thomas, Asst. Commr. &c. Vicksburg, Miss. who will relinquish control over this property, taking the receipt of Mrs. Magruder, the party from whom it was seized. This action is not considered as in any way deciding the issues between Mrs Magruder and Mrs Johnson. The Bureau leaves the property, as it received it, subject to all equities and incumbrances which must be prosecuted before civil courts now, in the same manner as they must have been, had the estate never been seized.

By order of
Major Gen. O.O. Howard
Commissioner &c.
Wm Fowler
Asst. Adjt. Genl

L.R.J. 7 - F87 - EB 74-302