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Maj Gen Canby

[[strikethrough]] Maj Genl Warner [[/strikethrough]]

Coms Dist H

We the undersigned citizens of Washington County= would respectfully represent that George Shall has long= been a resident of this county. That he is well qualified to discharge the duties as Provost Marshal, and we recommend that he be appointed to that office. 

L. Gay
Harry P Seis
J.J. Duncan
J.J. Philips
Henry Parks
James T Rucks
R.L Dixon
Alex. Yergen
G.A. Bowen
W. Harry Lee
W A Percy
L Percy
Sam Scanton
Thos H. Hile
D L Boyd
T.Q. Horty
G M Saunders
J.J. Matsor
A.G. Fraser
A. C. West
G M Fall