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2) plants - [It was he who first saw the new weaverbird which please name after him if it proves new.] I can tell you a lot more about it & its habits. What is it? Is it an African [[strikethrough]] introduction [[/strikethrough]] immigrant? You will see [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] through the mystery-

Am sorry I can't get all the birds into this shipment, but the others will keep. The cases will be shipped by Panama R.R. Steamship line in a week or so -

Hope you are keeping fit - we are both well - I lost my gun - [[strikethrough]] left [[/strikethrough]] forgot it in rail road train, but I have another in reserve - so it is no matter-

Yours very truly,
W. L. Abbott

P.S. Keep mum about that weaver bird - It is too easy accessible from Port au Prince to take any chances of another fellow getting it & destroying it -

Also when described do not mention place where found - Just say [[strikethrough]] [[Centern?]] [[/strikethrough]] Hayti. I do not want the colonies wiped out by bird collectors, which could easily be done. Don't tell anybody the type locality - cut off the labels-