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2) [at Sosua, called up a Laurencia nana close to me, but had no gun at time. in thick scrub, saw none afterwards there. Have since shot one near [[strikethrough]] Cape Cabron [[/strikethrough]] Port Rincon on North coast Samana peninsula. a miserable little bird in poor pin feathered plumage. It was also in thick jungle & we saw no others, so they cant be common.] [I find Spindalis multicolor is not uncommon on the Pilon d'agucar[[?]]. & North of Samana peninsula.]

Altogether have but few birds for you so far - [Picumnus laurencei is very common here about, but may hard to see. There is a good series]
Expect to leave in 5 days for La Romana on South Coast of San Domingo, & visit Catalina & Saona Islands. Afterwards probably Lake Enriquillo & possibly Beata Island. My Samana boy John King goes with me. & I have plenty of supplies with me. Saona is said to be very nice & fresh water lagoon & lots of birds, also mosquitos. 

There are no plants or plant material in these boxes. #2 box is full of pottery packed in newspaper & excelsior (shavings) from the U.S.A. Both boxes are sewn up in gunny bags, (cacao sacks) as they were only Kerosene boxes & rather weak. Hope there will be no trouble about entrance of [[strikethrough]] these [[/strikethrough]] this lot. Am rather anticipating Saona, especially the water birds. I notice the migrant waders are beginning to arrive along the shore here. 

Yours Truly W.L. Abbott.

Transcription Notes:
-- could find Pilon but not Pilon d'agucar (translation sharp pylon)