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off. By the way, did you ever get my report card? Any way, I got an A in math, B's in English & Reading, & a C in physics. This gives me a B average or a 2.0 for the first semester. Hope to do better this semester. How's grandpa? Has he recovered? Love to him & at Chai Write when you have time. Love, Linda [[envelope]] L. Ham Trinity College Wash, D.C. 20011 [[stamp]]US Postage 11¢ Air Mail [[\stamp]] [[stamp]]Washington D.C. 6 MR 3 PM 1965 [[\stamp]] [[stamp]]Washington D.C. 1965 [[\stamp]] Mr. Singe Le 25 Chatham Road 10th floor, Front Apt. Kowloon Hong, Kong. Aerogramme • Par Avion First Fold Second Fold Do not use tape or stickers to seal No enclosures permitted [[\envelope]] For one day, we had spring weather, But it's getting worse slowly. In another month or so, it should be warm. Well, have you planned on coming over? We miss you very much. Summer vacation starts around May 25th, the latest, so I get 3-1/2 months