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L. Han
Trinity College
Wash., D.C. 80117
[[stamp]]Washinton, D.C. AM 27 Jan 1965 [[\stamp]]
[[stamp]] ABCD Mail for Better Business Service [[\stamp]]
[[stamp]] US Postage 11¢ Air Mail [[\stamp]]
Mr George Li
25 Chatham Road
10th Floor, Front Apt.
Hong Kong
Aerogramme • Par Avion
First Fold
Second Fold
Do not use tape or stickers to seal
No enclosures permitted

be through. I can't wait to go back to Hong Kong yea.
When are you coming over? Where do you plan to stay if you do come? Tell me about your plans
Take care of yourself.
Say hello to grandpa & ma, & the relatives & Al Chai
Bye for now
Love, Linda

Transcription Notes: