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This week and next will be very busy for me. I have a few tests coming up and I have a paper due next Friday. As I said before, I'll have to work very hard both this and the semester in order to get decent grades to transfer. 

It has been quite cold down here. Has been in the low forties and mid-twenties since Sunday. It snowed once too-- the day after Thanksgiving vacation. I have gotten used to the cold weather and have found out that it really isn't that cold. The air is delightful for the lungs.

Yesterday was a holy day. Consequently, we had the day off. Didn't get any work done though. Tuesday, I went downtown byself but couldn't find anything. Washington has the louziest shops. Will have to wait until I get to N.Y. Saw two movies that night.

Linda Hsu
Trinity College
Washington, D.C. 20017

[[stamp]] Washington, D.C. AM 10 Dec 1964 [[\stamp]]
[[stamp]] "ABCD" Mail for Better Business Service [[\stamp]]
[[postage stamp]] US Postage 11¢ Air Mail [[\postage stamp]]
Mr. & Mrs. George Li
25 Chatham Road
10th floor, Front Apt.

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too. The girls I went with insisted on walking up to Brookland, which is a good 15 minute walk from school. It was so cold that night and they absolutely refused to take a bus. Typical Americans. We saw the Line Red Line and Fate is a Hunter. Pretty good for 50¢. 

I don't have anything else to say right now. Hope to hear from you real soon. I will talk to my advisor either tomorrow or day after. Love to grandpa and Ah Choi. 

Miss you. 
Love, Linda