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Auntie sally gave me a silk dressing gown. Please thank her for me. I shall write her a thank you note. Ray was to come down this weekend too but he had too much work. Talked to him a few times on the phone. 

I'll be waiting for your reply. Miss you both. Regards to Ah Chai & relatives. 

With much love,

second fold 

L. Hsu, Main B
Trinity College
Wash, D.C. 20017
[[stamp]] Washington, D.C. 24 AM 5 Oct 1964 [[\stamp]]
[[stamp]] "ABCD" Mail For Better Business Service [[\stamp]]
[[stamp]] US Postage 11¢ Air Mail [[\stamp]]

Mr & Mrs. George Li
25 Chatham Road
10th floor, Front Apt. 
Aerogramme • Par Avion

weekend. They'll be paying for the passage & so forth. What do you think of it? I'd really like to visit them up there. If you approve, I'll find out the date & you can write to sister Janice Marie. A lot of girls spend weekends at other colleges too. [[strikethrough]] to [[\strikethrough]] Would be happy if I could.