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Jan. 16, 1964.

Dearest Mom & Uncle,

Thank you very much for the parcels. I received them when I came home from X'mas vacation. The Chinese dress fits beautifully. I can't say the same for the western style one though.  Tell you about that later. Amazed by the amount of food you sent. I also received a parcel of biscuits, candy (3 boxes, English) from Uncle Allan. It was very nice of him. Please thank him for me. I'll write him a note later.

Very happy to hear from you again. You didn't have a busy New Year as last year. What else have you done? It was so nice of you to invite my friends over. They all wrote & told me how much they enjoyed the evening, the food, the slides, & especially you folks. Thanks again. Also, I'm happy that they're keeping you company.

I took the College Board last Saturday. I think I did O.K. They lasted 6 hours. 3 in the morning, 3 straight in the afternoon. I was so tired when I got through. Now, I'm waiting for the results. Think I'll know in Feb.

The finals are on Jan. 27, 28, 29. Jan 30. - retreat & then semester break, school resumes Feb 2. I have to study next week. This weekend is an open one & I'll be staying with Samuel & Rose because it'll be easier for me to see Robert. By the way, did he