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Dec 10, 1963
Dearest Mom,
It was nice to hear your voice on the phone. Too bad we couldn't talk longer and the connection was bad. Anyway, it's wonderful to hear your voice again. 
I wrote you about Yosemite & Aunt Marge last Wednesday. In fact, I wrote 2 letters & mailed them at school. You should be getting them soon. In case you don't, tell me & I'll try & explain everything all over again.
You have gotten me so worried & not able to sleep or do anything by writing so often on the same subject. I know you love me, mom. I love you very much too. But things can't be settled that way. Everything's all right with Sister Marion. I hope we won't mention this again. What's done is done & there is no use crying over spilt milk. I had fun in Yosemite and I don't regret having gone there. If I were not so bored in the past when I stayed at Aunt Margaret's, I would not have gone to Yosemite. Naturally, I would enjoy spending Thanksgiving with her, but as things stood then, I would have given up a lot for not staying with her and also to stay at her place as least as possible. If Mrs. Martin or any of your friends invited me for that holiday nothing like this would have happened. This is the truth mom. I'm trying to to be as frank as possible to you. You know that I hate to stay with the Ries'. One reason is that I have no place to go & nothing to do but sit around. I get so bored. They don't plan anything. Whenever I'm bored, I think of home and the Ries don't remind me of home. I guess that's all I can say for that part now. I want to console you again that everything's all right - no [[strikethrough]] (illegible) [[/strikethrough]] trouble or things like that. I think she exagerated

Transcription Notes:
First transcribed 5-1-21