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Feb. 11, 1962.

Dearest Uncle and Mom, 
I received your letter as soon as I mailed mine to you yesterday. I really was surprised to get a call from you the other day. It was so nice talking to you. It sounded as if it was in Hong Kong. Are you really coming on the 23rd of this month? Oh, I am so happy. You don't know how much I miss you. 

Did you have fun over the New Year holidays? I bet you are all tired out after that golf. How is your score now, mom? Still 34? What about Uncle's? How do you go to Fanling now that you don't have a car? Do you get a ride from your golf friends or do you go by train? Is the weather very cold at home or is it the same as it was last year? Do tell me some things about Hong Kong.

As I have said in the other letter, I sent the tablecloth to Aunt Margaret and the dress to Bernadine 2 days ago. I think they will get it sometime day after tomorrow. 

Now, I am in a room with 3 other girls. Maggie, Ann, and Lorenza-a Mexican girl. Maggie and I went out yesterday and we bought a corn-popper to cook food with. It wasn't too expensive and 2 other Chinese girls are sharing it with us. That means each one pays $1.30. We also bought some canned soup and spaghetti, bread, jam, peanut butter, few boxes of cookies and biscuits, friend [c]hicken and some spare ribs. Last night, we heated up some soup with our cooker. It took quite some time, but it was nice. We drank the soup with the chicken and the spare ribs. 

[M]y report came out a few days ago. I think Sister has already sent it to you. The report was very good. For the quarter, I got:- Religion-A French-A, History-A, Geometry-A, English-B, P.E.-B Typing-B, Citizen-A. For the semester, which if the average of the two quarters, I got;- Religion-A, French-B, Geometry-A, History-A, EnglishC, P.E.-b