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209 West Buchtel Ave
Akron, Ohio
Aug 19, 1955

My Darling Mother, 
I wonder if you received my last letter as I haven't heard from you for so very long. I pray that you and the family are well, my thoughts are constantly with you as also my heart. It's unbelievable & almost unhuman that we have been separated for so many years, Mother; often I try to imagine what life might have been if we could have shared it together, but yet how very fortunate for me that I have a mother's love strong & true such as yours. Someday maybe, God will grant us the joy of seeing each other again. In the meantime, I love you, my dearest Mama, and I am proud to have such a wonderful mother like you.

My work is going very well. It feels good to be earning a salary. But I am going back to college this fall to get a Bachelor's, this is much more important to me and to Vic, the man I am in love with. Victor Chen is from Canton & Shanghai. Perhaps you know his parents, [[Chinese Characters inserted for Victor Chen's parent's names]] He is a very wonderful guy, I am sure you would just love him, most people do from the start. Vic graduated from California U. last year, he is now a trainee at Goodyear's Rubber & Tire Co. in the Far Eastern & Austailian Division. We have a great deal in common & get along very well but there is again the problem of religion, he is a Baptist. Mother, I don't feel that I can be happy or [[strikethrough]] ma [[strikethrough]] give someone a good life if he is not of my own faith. Vic is trying, he is taking me to Mass every Sunday. I do hope things will