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Dec 6, 1953

My darling Mother, 

It's been sometime since your letter came. I started to write several times but could not collect my thoughts into a nice letter for you. School work has been extra heavy and I took on some other duties besides. I thought of you often and miss your more. Oh, Mother can't you try to come to the States? There must be a way. It has been about seventeen years since we saw each other. Such separation is unnatural. The ways things stand I don't know how many more years it will be. You are mother dear. I am not quite prepared to come home, right now I have nothing worthwhile to offer my native land. I must try to study hard, get a scholarship and go on further. I am asking Archbishop Yupir for aid. I am not at all sure that he is anxious to help me. Mother could you influence him? Perhaps a letter from you will do much good. He is at Mount St. Vincent College, New York City, N.Y.

You are right, Mother, that one can not cast aside love and live happily. I saw Peter during the summer we realized that without question we are deeply in love. We talked about marriage and both realize that we cannot make it work under the circumstances. Because of the great differences in religion (he is somewhat an atheist) we are intellectually incompatible. There are also things like race and ambitions but we are willing to overlook these. So, we are still writing to each other and meeting each time it is physically possible. Neither one is brave enough to break relations. The fact is, I tried not too long ago to make it final but each of us spent a horrible week of emptiness and came back together again at the end of it. I don't know what to do, Mother, I love him too, too much a future without him is unbearable, yet what can we do?

I haven't told you much of Peter. He is my brother's best friend. Pax has probably mentioned him to you. His last name is Schroder. Pax lived with his family in silver spring at different times. Peter is a Senior at North Carolina University. He has always

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