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May 29, 1939

Mr. Sidney F. Lee
1514 Webater Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Lee: 
Thank you for your letters, pictures and pamphlets you sent.
I just received a letter from Mr. Walter Beech informing me that the airplane has been sold and he wanted me to return it at the end of May. After my long distance call to him, he promised to let me make use of it latest up to the fifteenth of June, for he has to make delivery at that time.

If that is the case, then I have to cancel some of the places, say Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland, so that I can be back at New York by the fourteenth or fifteenth next month.

Please be sure to write, in the name of China War Relief Fund, a letter of thanks to Mr. Beech immediately. It is already overdue and certainly he will appreciate this gesture, at least at this time. Also there is a check of one hundred odd dollars for insurance of liability on the airplane, which I have given to Dr. Pan to attend to two months ago. I would appreciate it if you could take care of it, as I have received another copy of overdue bill.

Last check of three hundred dollars sent in  April sixteenth has been used up and I will appreciate it if you would send me a check for oil, gasoline and other expenses.

Your sincerely,