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I am very sorry that you feel you cannot join us, as I think you would enjoy the flying that we will experience, and it would be a grand help to have you share the flying as well as to have the benefit of your salesmanship, as I believe I have contacts in California whom you have not already exhausted.
It may interest you to know that the Colonial Inn is closing this week on account of bankruptcy.  Consequently, Mr. Mahoney was not able to raise the percentage which we received from them over the sum of $138.00.  Mr. Mahoney said that he would try to get Governor Cox and two or three others to make up another $500, but that he had to take his time in doing it and could not give us the money before we left.
From the New York newspaper accounts of the combined Chinese Charities, which Miss Smith has been sending me, I imagine that you will be lining up with them since they have such enormous wealth and influence behind them.
Best of luck in whatever you do and I shall look forward to many moments together, I hope, upon our return.
Ruth R. Nichols
