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American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Inc.
Headquarters, 57 Williams St., New York, N. Y. Telephone BOwling green 9-8166 Cable, ABMAC
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. 
National Chairman

April 25, 1940

Miss Lee Ya-ching
American Women's Association
353 West 57th Street
New York, N. Y.

Dear Miss Lee:

Since, for reasons beyond our control, it was necessary tocancel the proposed flight to South America, the Board of Directors of the
American Bureau for Medical aid to China at its meeting on Tuesday expressed its desire that a carefully planned flight throughout the United Stated be discussed with you in the hope that such an effort on the behalf of raising funds
for China might prove welcome to you and beneficial for the cause of Chinese relief.

Since the donor of the airplane is quite willing for the plane to be used for this purpose, we would be glad if you would give consideration to this suggestion.

We are constantly receiving requests from Dr. Robert Lim for tremendous amounts of medical supplies which are so vitally needed in China, and we are exerting our every effort to do all we can to help.

You have had so much experience in connection with flying in the United States on behalf of Chinese relief work, that we would be very
glad indeed if you would give this suggestion your consideration and then let us know whether we might have a further talk to see if such a flight would be practical at this time on behalf of the Bureau, provided of course that you would be willing to make it under our sponsorship. For our part we would promise you all the available facilities of our organization to aid in making arrangements and in furnishing adequate publicity and such other forms of cooperation which it would be advantageous for you to have.

Trusting that we may hear from you, we are,
Very sincerely yours,
Co Tui, M. D.

[[handwritten note, bottom margin]] P. S. China's cause needs a spectacular appeal at this critical time. You canorder your country a great service by this flight. with best persoal regards. C. T. [[\end written note]]