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To-Miss Lee Ya-ching   Date- October 4, 1943
From- Edward M. Ballin Subject-

You leave tonight on the 12:05 midnight train from Pennsylvania Station, arriving in Pittsburgh tomorrow morning at 8:55.  You are to speak at a dinner meeting at the Pittsburgh Athletic Club at 6:30 p.m.  One hundred and fifty representatives of both labor and management of Carnegie-Illinois steel plants will be present, and it is very important as they represent many workers and large steel interests.  David McDonald, Executive SEcretary of the United Steel WOrkers, CIO; Maj.-Gen. U.S.S. Grant, III; and Earle Moore, will be the other speakers.  THey would like you to speak for about 5-10 minutes, and your role there is to be similar to the one in Harrisburg- representing the foreign war reliefs.

The man who made the request is Mr. George C. Zeller, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Company, Carnegie Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  A Mr. Sam Duff will have your tickets for the return trip to New York.

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