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American Bureau for Medical Aid to China
American Committee for Chinese War Orphans
American Friends Service Committee
Associated Boards for Christian Colleges in China
China Aid Council
China Emergency Relief Committee
Church Committee for China Relief
Indusco (American Committee in Aid of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives)

National Headquarters: 1790 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. • CIrcle 5-4100

April 14.

Dear Miss Lee:
Miss Jorsick has an idea that the enclosed story "gives a wrong impression" of your "background." (I quote a memo from her!) – Will you be good enough to go over it and change any parts that give the wrong impression????? I had thought you saw this. This copy is an old one and still has the paragraph: "When Ya-ching was 14", which we [[strikethrough]] ommitteed [[/strikethrough]] omitted from later stories. Is there anything else in the story that you disapprove of?

How are you? Well, I hope, as usual!

Best wishes, greetings, cheerio, etc.

Frances Mason

Transcription Notes:
Chinese letters on left need to be done still. Don't know how best to write that the m and e in "ommitteed" were struck out to make omitted. [[left margin]] BOARD OF DIRECTORS WENDELL L. WILLKIE Honorary Chairman PAUL G.HOFFMAN Chairman W. R. HEROD Vice-Chairman EUGENE E. BARNETT JAMES G. BLAINE WALTER B. CANNON EDWARD C. CARTER ARTHUR V. DAVIS J. W. DECKER CLAUDE E. FORKNER WILLIAM GREEN THOMAS W. LAMONT HENRY R. LUCE MRS. MAURICE T. MOORE PHILIP MURRAY MOST REV. JOHN F. O'HARA, C.S.C. CLARENCE E. PICKETT JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER 3RD DAVID O. SELZNICK THOMAS L.SIDLO ALFRED P. SLOAN, JR. DONALD D. VAN SLYKE RICHARD J. WALSH BISHOP HERBERT WELCH FREDERICK H. WOOD ADMIRAL HARRY E. YARNELL [[/left margin]] [[right margin]] WENDELL L. WILLKIE, Honorary Nat'l Chairman PAUL G. HOFFMAN, Chairman W. R. HEROD, Vice-Chairman JAMES L. MCCONAUGHY, President B. A. GARSIDE, Vice-Pres. & Secretary JAMES G. BLAINE, Treasurer G. L. MCCOY, Comptroller A. A. MUELLER, Assistant Comptroller BAYARD M. HEDRICK, Campaign Director H. R. EKINS, Publicity Director LENNING SWEET, Program Director [[/right margin]]