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Circle 5-4100 Cable Unichinaid
July 12, 1941

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James G. Blaine   Chairman
Eugene E. Barnett   Vice Chairman
Pearl S. Buck
William C. Bullitt
Paul G. Hoffman
Thomas W. Lamont
Henry R. Luce
John. D. Rockefeller, 3D
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
David O. Selznick
Robert Gordon Sproul
Wendell L. Willkie
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Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt   Honorary Chairman
Pearl S. Buck   Chairman
Mrs. James E. Hughes   Vice Chairman
James G. Blaine   Chairman
Eugene E. Barnett   Vice Chairman
Artemus L. Gates, Treasurer
Raymond F. Adams   Assistant Treasurer
John Post, Secretary
B. A. Garside   Executive Director
[[/right margin]]

Miss Lee Ya Ching
Care, Miss Jane Hyde
Pine Needles
Raymond, Maine

Dear Miss Lee,

Thank you so much for your wire of July 10.

Your availability for Western states has been related to the Western Field Representative. He was in our office when I wired you, but has now left for the West. We will keep in touch with him constantly and let you know just as soon as further suggestions can be acted upon. However, he had a tentative suggestion for the last week in July, which, no doubt, you would not be able to accept as you state August 1.

As I have not had the opportunity to have a personal chat with you, although I endeavored to see you before you left New York, having called the hotel two or three times trying to reach you, I will have to ask for more detailed information concerning your tours. Do you have your own plane? If so, what expenses are attached for a tour? If you do not have your own plane, do you have personal access to a private one, or what has been your method of procedure in other tours? No doubt others here at the office know all of these details, but as stated before, I have not had definite knowledge of this.

In regard to Portland, Maine: after receiving your wire, I immediately wrote, wired, and phoned the Field Representative for New England. Just a few minutes ago I finally reached him. He is making investigations as to the possibilities for a Portland program, and I am sure if something is arranged there, and no doubt it will be, that they would definitely

PARTICIPATING AGENCIES: - American Bureau for Medical Aid to China - American Committee for Chinese War Orphans - Associated Boards for Christian Colleges in China - China Aid Council - China Emergency Relief Committee - Church Committee for China Relief - Indusco (American Committee in Aid of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives.)