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Circle 5-4100 Cable Unichinaid
August 28, 1941

[[left margin]]
James G. Blaine   Chairman
Eugene E. Barnett   Vice Chairman
Pearl S. Buck
William C. Bullitt
Paul G. Hoffman
Thomas W. Lamont
Henry R. Luce
John. D. Rockefeller, 3D
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
David O. Selznick
Robert Gordon Sproul
Wendell L. Willkie
[[/left margin]]

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Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt   Honorary Chairman
Pearl S. Buck   Chairman
Mrs. James E. Hughes   Vice Chairman
James G. Blaine   Chairman
Eugene E. Barnett   Vice Chairman
Artemus L. Gates, Treasurer
Raymond F. Adams   Assistant Treasurer
John Post, Secretary
B. A. Garside   Executive Director
[[/right margin]]

Dear Miss Lee,

The arrangements for your trip to Cleveland are as follows:

Leave La Guardia Field at 12:00 noon, standard time. Please inform us if you will go out by the regular limousine from the Forty-second Street Airline Terminal. You will arrive at Cleveland at 2:45 P.M., standard time, and you will be met at the plane be someone from the Cleveland Committee. You are to stay at the Cleveland Hotel Friday and Saturday nights unless other entertainment would be arranged at the last minute by the Cleveland Committee.

You are asked to give a short talk at the Air Show. We have not yet been informed whether this will be on Saturday or Sunday, or on both days. After your talk they will want you to fly in the Aeronca plane over Randall's Race Track, where the Air Show will be held. As you know, this is put on by the Brittish War Relief Committee and the United China Relief Committee of Cleveland. The United China Relief Chairman is Mr. Armen L. Merriam, 712 Union Commerce Building, Cleveland.

We have made round-trip reservations for you, and United Airlines is holding the tickets. Mr. A. A. Mueller of this office will furnish you with the necessary papers to permit you to collect the tickets, which should be picked up at least three hours before flying time, and preferably today. Will you, therefore, please call at the office as soon as convenient so that we may take care of this matter in ample time?

Your round-trip ticket by plane will be provided, as well as your hotel room for Friday and Saturday nights, and meals during your time of your stay in Cleveland for United China Relief purposes, which will include Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Unless additional plans are arranged there, it would seem best for you to leave Cleveland Sunday night, either on the 8:00 P.M. arriving in New York at 11:14 P.M. standard time, or leave

PARTICIPATING AGENCIES: - American Bureau for Medical Aid to China - American Committee for Chinese War Orphans - Associated Boards for Christian Colleges in China - China Aid Council - China Emergency Relief Committee - Church Committee for China Relief - Indusco (American Committee in Aid of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives.)