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Women's Division of the Greater New York Committee
Mrs. Maurice T. Moore, chairman
Mrs. James S. Cushman Mrs. Marshall Field
Mrs. William Francis Gibbs Mrs. Alfred H. Hausrauth
Mrs. Henry Goddard Leach Mrs. Harold M. Lehman
Mrs. Clark Minor Mrs. Dwight W. Marrow
Mrs. William B. Parsons Sr. Mrs. Chester J. LA Roche
Mrs. F. Louis Slade Mrs. Cornelius V. Starr
Mrs. Guy Percy Trulock

United China Relief
285 Madison Avenue . Murray Hill 3-6835

September 19, 1941

Miss Lee Ya-Ching,
101 West 55th St.,
c'o Mrs. Pei,
New York City.

Dear Miss Ya-Ching:

Enclosed you will find a ticket for the September 24th benefit party for United China Relief.

I sincerely hope you can come, and am enclosing the ticket. Because you have done so much in support of the parties we have given, I feel that it would be unfair to tax you again.

With every hope of seeing you the night of the 24th, I am
Sincerely yours,
Jacques Hoyel
Mrs. Frederick B. Payne