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Page Two

Mr. Spencer Bishop will fly you out to Flint from Detroit. Mr. Bishop's son is in charge of the Airport in Detroit. It is called "Bishop Airport." A group of Chinese people will be at the Airport at Flint to meet you.  At noon of the day (Thursday, October second) you are asked to speak for three of the service clubs which are meeting together for United China Relief purposes.  In the afternoon, Mrs.Charles Stewart Mott (I think that she is the wife of the General Motors man) is taking you as her guest to the Twentieth Century Club, which is the biggest and best women's club in Flint.  A group from the Junior League will give a dinner party for you in the afternoon.

On Friday morning Mrs. Brinckerhoff has arranged for you to speak at the Central High School, and to be at the Rotary Club at noon. A tea is being given for you by a group of club and Church women at the Congress Club House.  That evening a Mr. and Mrs. Algoe (Mr. Algoe is the United China Relief Chariman) are to have a dinner for you.

Mrs. Brinckerhoff says she has been praising you, and she is assured that you will be an honor guest that will be most helpful to the United China Relief of Flint.

Will you need additional talks? If so, wire me please.

I feared you might need more expense money, as you will have to stay over at some cities in hotels according to the schedule, and I has them wire you twenty-five dollars today. This twenty-five dollars just sent, and the twenty-five dollars that I gave you before you left, are for expenses.  They ask here that you turn in an expense account and this will be taken care of from here, and from the various places where you will be going for United China Relief.

Enclosed in this letter find your salary cheque and one for two dollars, which is for the limousine fare on the Cleveland expense.  You can clear all of these expenses with Mr. Mueller when you return, and I know that everything will be satisfactory.  Will you please sign the enclosed receipt for the first twenty-five dollars and return it to me.