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CC: Mr. Mueller
Mr. Ryan

Boston, Massachusetts

May 18, 1942

Miss Marion Cadwallader
United China Relief
New York City

Dear Miss Cadwallader:

Herewith checks totalling $50.77 to cover expenses of Miss Lee Ya-ching's visit to Boston on behalf of the Boston Advertising Club.

I enclose also a letter of thanks to Miss Lee, which I have kept here (too long) to send along with the expense checks when they came in. Will you please add our thanks, when next you see her, and tell her that reports continue to come in of how greatly she was enjoyed here in Boston.

Finally, herewith a letter from Worcester asking for photos of Miss Lee, in connection with her speech there on June 2. I have not replied, and suggest that if you are writing Mr. Manzer yourself in the near future, you might advise him that the New York office is handling the whole business.

With best wishes to you, and thanks again,

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. John Exter

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