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In past years money has been contributed for work in China on a basis of religious convictions or for sheerly charitable and humane reasons. The slogan of the drive last year was "China needs America's Help." The big fact back of the drive this year is that AMERICA NEEDS CHINA'S HELP. 

Our ally, General Chiang Kai-shek, is keeping close to a million Japanese soldiers busy in China-soldiers who would otherwise be free to attach Australia or India or Russia or the United States.

Japan is fighting this war not only with planes, tanks, ships and soldiers but with propaganda - "Asia for the Asiatics; The Brown and Yellow Races against the Whites; The Exploited Against the Exploiters; Non-Christians against Christians." This propaganda has been astoundingly successful in Indo-China, in Siam, in Malaya, in Burma, in the Dutch Indies. It has made inroads in China, also, as evidenced by the fact that Japan has been able to set up Chinese puppet governments and to enlist regiments of Chinese in her armies.

For the fact that Japanese propaganda, so effective elsewhere, has failed in China we can thank the Expeditionary Force of several thousand American men and women in medical missions, hospitals, refugee camps, orphanages, schools, colleges and ambulance corps. These Americans, in bomb-shelters and on battlefields, suffering the same dangers and hardships as the Chinese, unselfishly offering their services and their very lives, are living refutation of Japanese propaganda visible daily to millions of Chinese.

From the standpoint of public morals and as an answer to Japanese propaganda the seven million dollars asked by United China Relief to keep several thousand Americans in the field is more effective than the field is more effective than the half billion dollar loan made by the American government to the Chinese government for purchase of munitions and stabilization of currency. Even the most illiterate collie can understand this argument.

The money contributed to United China Relief will be made instantly available in China by redio or cable transfer of credit. Each American dollar will provide twenty Chinese dollars to keep scores of American hospitals, orphanages, schools, missions, reguee depots and ambulances operating in China.

This is a job that must be done by voluntary contributions of the American people, not by government grant. Tax money cannot be used even in the United States to support Catholic orphanages, Baptist missions, Methodists hospitals, Presbyterian Collages. It is also obvious that if the Chinese government took several million dollars from the amount loaned by our government and diverted it from the purposes for which it was loaned (purchase of munitions and supplies)and used these Chinese funds to supplant the agencies hitherto supported by United China Relief, the credit for such work would go to the Chinese government and not the American people.

If the morale of the Chinese people were to break, if they were to succumb to Japanese propaganda and make the searate peace offered by Japan, the cost to the United States might be hundreds of thousands of lives and many billions of dollars. It is up to the civilian population of the United States to back up MacArthur and his men by supporting Chinese morale through the American agencies of United China Relief.